Monday, 30 January 2012

Final magazine advert

I took more photographs of my model for my magazine advert, but her make-up and hair didn't compliment the colour scheme i had initially chosen so i had to start over. I chose deep red and black hues which matched her lipstick and hair, these also stood out even more against the white chiffon sheet we used as a background. I am much happier with this magazine draft as it feels more suitable to the song and digipack.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Magazine advert draft

This is the first draft of my magazine advert, which i produced on Adobe Photoshop. The picture i used in this advertisment is not the model i will use in the final version, but in order to create an idea of how i want the magazine i needed an image in this specific position. Regarding the design of the advertisement i currently feel satisfied with it, but will possibly add improvements later.